Unidirectional mapping

Hi, Christian

Thanks for your help. I understand why the mapping is unidirectional. So, a starting point can be any terminology while the ending point is a SNOMED concept (either equal or more generic), right?
But is there an easy way to tell if a mapping is equal or not?



It isn’t always SNOMED. For Drugs it’s a mixture of RxNorm and some country-specific concepts. For procedures it’s a whole mixture of things.

However, you needn’t worry. The concept will tell you whether it is a Standard Concept (which can be in the data tables and where things are mapped to) or a Source Concept (which is mapped to the Standard ones).

Mapping equivalent or uphill: There is, if you know how the maps are built. However, we want to fix that and make that explicit. One of those things.

Christian. We have a mapping from icd to our phenotype codes. Now, we are expending our terminology from icd to snomed. So, we are looking for a resource that can map snomed concepts to icd, which is the other direction of your vocabulary resource. Even though, your mapping is greatly helpful. THanks you.


And why not the other way around? Why not mapping the phenotype codes to SNOMED? SNOMED is quite mature and has a very rich hierarchy, which you need for proper dealing with the condditions. Happy to explain mroe in detail if that is useful.

But if you don’t, we have a group that does the mapping jobs for us for quite some time already. Happy to lend them out to you. :smile:

Because we want to keep using our concepts to represent high level of phenotypes and other terminologies, e.g. snomed for detailed level.
Our resource is well connected with billing codes and Demonstrated great in high-throughput phenotypic analyses. I like the Snomed structure, that is why we want to expend our resource to snomed concepts and see what benefits we will obtain from it.

In that case I would suggest we do the same thing that we do with MedDRA: We place it on top of SNOMED as kind of a classification. That way, you don’t have to change any mapping. Everything works the same way. Except there are additional concepts (type C for Classification) that subsume the relevant SNOMED concepts and all their children.

Can you show me what you are using there and how?