I have made it through the correlation between covariates and treatment error! To resolve this issue, I made concept sets out of the covariates listed as having high correlation with the treatments, and excluded them both in the comparison and treatment elements of the PLE. Thank you everyone for helping me get this far! Now, I am having trouble producing the shiny data. I get the following errors:
Thread 2 returns error: “replacement has 1 row, data has 0” when using argument(s): list(analysisId = integer(0), outcomeId = numeric(0), comparatorId = integer(0), targetId = integer(0), analysisDescription = integer(0), outcomeName = integer(0), comparatorName = integer(0), targetName = integer(0), includedCovariateConceptIds = integer(0), excludedCovariateConceptIds = integer(0), outcomeOfInterest = logical(0), cohortMethodDataFolder = character(0), studyPopFile = character(0), sharedPsFile = character(0), psFile = character(0), strataFile = character(0), prefilteredCovariatesFolder = character(0), n outcomeModelFile = character(0), logRr = numeric(0), seLogRr = numeric(0)),list(targetId = c(1770506…
Error in ParallelLogger::clusterApply(cluster = cluster, x = subsets, :
Error(s) when calling function ‘fun’, see earlier messages for details
Does anyone know how to resolve these issues? Thanks!