Training or future events for CDM implementation


We are going through a series of CDM data conversions in the next few months and majority of the team is new to standards and best practices of OMOP. I was wondering if there is a training video or any future events we could attend to get a better understanding and apply throughout our organization.


[Best Practices][1]

If you follow this link we suggest best practices for how to get started and the tools that would be worth using in managing the process.

[Example ETLs][2]

There are also example ETL documents. Most of these are on the v4.0 CDM and we are currently in v5.0 - however 90% of the material would be the same between these versions.

I hope this is helpful and sure other could add to this.

The real answer is to ask @ericaVoss. She’s the expert. :smile:

We made up enhancements to Rabbit-in-A-Hat and there is a weekly meeting where we went over it. That might help to get started. The weekly meetings are recorded and listed here and the June 16 meeting seems to be the right one. The minutes are here.

Keep in mind that WhiteRabbit needs to be run first to generate the “meta-data” for a specific dataset, which is then put into Rabbit-in-a-Hat (RiaH). RiaH will generate a Word document based on how you design the ETL using RiaH. Unfortunately, you then have to code it all from scratch. That problem has not been solved yet. :frowning:

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@ushah, this is a great question and thanks for bringing it up. We definitely want to provide more training materials and user-friendly walkthroughs to get people up and running with OHDSI. We don’t have a formal working group around this, but we should discuss how to enhance our async education / communication at the upcoming symposium.

In the meanwhile, we tend to be a pretty ‘high-touch’ type of group, so that if an reasonably sized organization is looking to learn more about OHDSI, we can have someone come out and meet with the stakeholders and provide a deeper dive into what OHDSI can do and what resources go into that effort.

Let us know how we can help.
