Survey weights (statistical weights) in CDM

Thanks for the response @wstephens! However, I believe that CONCEPT_ID is specific to a patient’s body weight. The statistical weight @Mark_Danese is referring to is from surveys. It is more like a weight assigned to a record to help create national estimates. For example, if the survey administrators over-sampled a particular under-represented population, like cancer patients, any record with a cancer patient will have a smaller weight assigned to it, compared to other non-cancer patient records, to help create accurate national estimates with proper population proportions.

I found the following CONCEPT_IDs with a domain = Observation:
44804059 - Office of National Statistics area classification - National Public Health Classification
44803895 - National statistics socioeconomic classification - National Public Health Classification
44803896 - Nomenclature of units for territorial statistics - National Public Health Classification
44804316 - Statistical data - National Public Health Classification
4260191 - Population statistic

These are not that specific. But they might work? Thoughts? I’m also tagging @Christian_Reich as we are having a similar discussion on the following thread: observation_type_concept_id for HCUP-NIS ETL