Surprising Concept Class ID for an observation

Looking at the distribution of concept class ids for our observation table, I was puzzled to see we had a few that said “Physical Force”. It turns out these were instances of the SNOMED concept “Exposure to polluted air” 102424008 (by way of mapping from ICD10 Z58.1 “Exposure to air pollution”). How did “Exposure to polluted air” get assigned a concept class id of “Physical Force”? By contrast, SNOMED’s “Exposure to second hand tobacco smoke” 16090371000119103 has concept class ID “Event”.

SNOMED tags both of these as “(event)”, so I’m confused about why they get classified differently by the OHDSI vocabulary. I’m also wondering when/whether end users should be looking at concept class IDs.

Any insights?

Hello! This is indeed a very unusual combination. This will require additional investigation, but I think we will rectify the situation in the upcoming update.

Fortunately, CONCEPT_CLASS_ID field exists mainly to capture source classification, even if it fails to do so in this case. DOMAIN_ID is used to cover actual use-cases of Standard concepts in OMOP.