Study-A-Thon Registration Has Closed; Microsoft Teams tutorial link

Hi all,
Registration for the COVID-19 Study-A-Thon this week has closed. However, this is only the beginning of OHDSI’s research agenda around the COVID-19 pandemic. You can get a sense of the planned studies from this recent forum post, and then follow along on the forum, our COVID-19 updates page, or on our Twitter or LinkedIn feeds. For anybody who was unable to participate this week (and obviously for those who will as well), we hope that you will collaborate with the OHDSI community in future studies as we try to generate real-world evidence to inform decision-making.

The official press release announcing the study-a-thon is available here. Please share with your respective networks.

For those who registered, we will be using Microsoft Teams throughout the study-a-thon. Here is a quick video tutorial on MSTeams that can give you a quick overview on the platform.


What login do we use for our Teams account?

Hi @jon_duke, did you not get an email from Microsoft Teams OHDSI-COVID-19 with instructions for how to log on?

@CraigSachson I have received several emails saying I’ve been added to groups. But nothing with login instructions. I currently use teams with both a GT account and CDC account so I don’t know if that is messing things up. Do I need to login with a username / pw?

@jon_duke Unfortunately it’s the Erasmus team in control of this aspect. I have asked them to send you new login instructions, but it’s late over there now, so it may come in the morning. I’ve been working with @bmosseveld on this and he’s been great, so hopefully he can help out in the morning.

Okay, I had to click only the first email from Teams but log out of my team account then back in. I am now able to access. Thanks!