Thanks @MPhilofsky,
Regarding concept mapping for OMOP, we’re hoping that as long as we have our content mapped to industry standard codes, we will be able to run a standard query using a view of industry standard code to omop standard concept_id (created from omop vocabulary tables).
For example, if we have a data structure containing local codes and industry standard codes as follows
Fig 1:
We would like to just run a query to automatically retreive the OMOP standard concept using a query like this (using the appropriate value for LOCAL_CODESET in the where clause) :
Fig 2a.
In the above query
- LOCAL_CODE_MAP contains local code to industry standard code mappings (Fig 1 above)
- SRC_TO_CONCEPT_MAP is a view of omop mappings from any industry standard code to the standard industry standard code (or OMOP generated code) and OMOP concept_id
- SRC_CONCEPT_ID is the concept_id for the industry standard code in the local system
- DEST_CONCEPT_ID is the concept_id for the OMOP standard concept associated with the industry standard code
For most of our data, this works perfectly.
However, since no industry standard code for (birth) sex in any industry standard terminology is defined as belonging to the ‘Gender’ domain (or mapped in the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table to the omop standard concepts for gender) we are forced to manually map this concept.
Bottom line, it would be nice to leverage industry standard vocabulaires and concepts to automate the mapping from local codes to omop codes (via mapping of local codes to industry standard codes in our system).
Is this possible?