I just want to add that regarding the 500 errors, the messages show the DaimonType (CDM) not found in source. For example:
{"methodName":"run","fileName":"Thread.java","lineNumber":748,"className":"java.lang.Thread","nativeMethod":false}],"localizedMessage":"DaimonType (CDM) not found in Source","message":"DaimonType (CDM) not found in Source","suppressed":[]},"headers":{"id":"1e633487-d2f0-7246-2b05-57c085bf7439","timestamp":1541553533321}}
Have looked at various discussions with the same problems, advice is check the records in the Source and Source Daimon tables to make sure that the database and schemas are correct. But have checked many times and still can’t find the cause of the error
webapi schema is called ‘dbo’ and stored under database ‘ohdsi’
cdm schema is called ‘dbo’ and stored under database ‘CDM’
results schema is called ‘results’ and stored under database ‘results’
You can see the insert statements I wrote here, it is pointing to the correct schemas:
Also, there are other messages, e.g. bad SQL grammar when loading profile,
},“localizedMessage”:“PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [select subject_id, cohort_definition_id, cohort_start_date, cohort_end_date\nfrom results.cohort\nwhere subject_id = ?\n]; nested exception is com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name ‘results.cohort’.”,“suppressed”:},“headers”:{“id”:“6349d8f7-5134-46da-233d-56f04d59601a”,“timestamp”:1541554585095}}
Is this an issue with the configuration, or are we missing some tables/data from our cdm/results/webapi schemas?