SNOMED Overhaul Discussion

Hi everyone,

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask such a question, but I’ll go for it anyway. We have around 200.000 entries that we want to convert to OMOP. It’s highly specific data about extracorporeal life support systems. In the data, you will find information about where the “majority of treatment” took place. From my understanding, we cannot map data anymore if you destandardize the location concepts. The only way this would work is as one big visit, though this might be inaccurate since we do not know about transfers to wards outside the intensive care units (where such therapy usually takes place). I see that the route Christian Reich described here (New Comprehensive Hierarchy for Providers, Visits (and Place of Service, Specialty, Care Site)) is fine for new data, where you know about the different transfers within your hospital premises, but it lacks a meaningful way to map aggregate data.

Any thoughts on that?
Thank you very much and have a great weekend!