Dear EHR Brain Trust (@MPhilofsky @Christian_Reich @DTorok @cukarthik @Andrew @hripcsa @donohara @MaximMoinat @Adam_Black @gregk + anyone else I forgot):
The N3C program is harmonizing data from multiple Common Data Models (OMOP, ACT, PCORNet, TriNetX) into one big OMOP CDM for COVID surveillance.
The other CDMs do not have as stringent requirements as OMOP around date fields. We are looking to compile guidance on how OMOP EHR partners navigate finding these data in their local EHR.
Can you help us? We’re looking for basic advice for sites who may have a little bandwidth to try to fill this in and make their data submissions higher quality. Any way we can share best practices/tips and tricks would be immensely helpful! Perhaps we can get a Google Doc rolling?