Hi @kzollove - I was working on something similar for a POC and came across this (it’s not in the solutions accelerator last I checked).
In their setup example, they have a gzip compressed tar sitting on an s3 bucket, which helps with the download portion a bit. As @rookie_crewkie mentioned, ATHENA doesn’t have this capability, but was discussed here (and probably elsewhere, I’m still new here): API to automate downloading vocab files? - Developers - OHDSI Forums
Long story short, best solution I came up with, inspired by the databricks example, was storing the vocabulary concepts on an s3 bucket, downloading/extracting using %sh magic commands in a cell, create a dataframe for each CSV in the extracted directory, write CSV using dataframe writer.
I can share my example with you if you’re interested. It’s much less complex than the databricks example, plus it works in the community edition.