That did the trick. I needed to shutdown the instance of PostgreSql that was running locally on port 5432. I then restarted the Docker instance of Broadsea (docker compose pull && docker compose up -d). I was then able to access the instance of PostgreSql running in the Docker container using PgAdmin (using localhost/postgres/postgres as the host/uid/pwd).
It looks like the database that is included with the distribution has some limited data, including only 444 records in the concept table.
What is that standard process for getting the Docker instance to use a different instance of the CDM. I imagine there are two options, is this correct?
Option 1: Create an instance of your CDM using the methods described at PostgreSQL Installation Guide · OHDSI/WebAPI Wiki ( and then configure the existing Broadsea Docker application to point to that database.
Option 2: Create an instance of your CDM using the methods described at PostgreSQL Installation Guide · OHDSI/WebAPI Wiki ( and then build a new Docker application that includes the new database (I’m not quite sure how to do this, is it documented anywhere)?
Option 3: ??? Is there a different approach ???
Thanks again for all of the help @Ajit_Londhe !!!