I successfully built/deployed the WebAPI .war file (schema OHDSI)
I put the synpuf 5% data into a schema named SYNPUF5
When I run achilles, it generates results from the SYNPUF5 data and puts it into a schema named RESULTS
I used the following SQL to set up my SOURCE and SOURCE_DAIMON tables in the OHDSI schema
INSERT INTO OHDSI.source (source_id, source_name, source_key, source_connection, source_dialect)
VALUES (1, ‘My Cdm’, ‘SYNPUF5’, ‘jdbc:oracle:thin:SYNPUF5/my_password@//my_oracle_db_url:1521/ORCL’, ‘oracle’);
INSERT INTO OHDSI.source (source_id, source_name, source_key, source_connection, source_dialect)
VALUES (2, ‘Results’, ‘RESULTS’, ‘jdbc:oracle:thin:RESULTS/my_password@//my_oracle_db_url:1521/ORCL’, ‘oracle’);
INSERT INTO OHDSI.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (1,1,0, ‘SYNPUF5’, 0);
INSERT INTO OHDSI.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (2,1,1, ‘SYNPUF5’, 0);
INSERT INTO OHDSI.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (3,2,2, ‘RESULTS’, 0);
INSERT INTO OHDSI.source_daimon (source_daimon_id, source_id, daimon_type, table_qualifier, priority) VALUES (4,1,1, ‘SYNPUF5’, 1);
Atlas apparently is not connecting to the datasource.
In Atlas when I click on “Data Sources” there are no data sources in the drop down to choose from.
If I click on “Concept sets” it shows I have no entries.
This is what Atlas shows for the configuration
I believe I have set up the datasources incorrectly. What should the records in the SOURCE and SOURCE_DAIMON tables be changed to?