Provider Specialty code set clean up

We need to make sure we have a comprehensive set of specialty codes for sure that is ‘Standard’. But NUCC will need a hierarchy to be useful, example NUCC . This may be useful for a ‘hierarchy’ mapping

Also important I think is, it needs to support specialties of providers and care_sites.

Specialties may apply to care-sites. E.g. ‘Short Term Acute Care Hospital’, ‘Long Term Acute Care Hospital’, ‘Urgent Care’ - so we need to ensure that is covered when we update vocabularies. @Tom_Galia @bailey do we need to add ‘Specialty’ to care_site table?


Is the idea to enhance the provider table thru CDM WG to add a new concept to represent provider’s certification? i.e. create a level_source_value and level_source_concept_id and level_concept_id fields? With concept_id being used to represent the highest level license e.g. MD > mid-level providers like PharmD, RPH, Nurse Practionner, PA > next-level RN, BSN > next-level Patient care technician > next-level non-clinical care givers including family care givers?