Pardon me if I caused any confusion. For purposes of what needs to be done in our template SQL, we could use @schuemie approach and define a @cdm_database_schema that we use in our template SQL that is defined with the platform-specfiic table prefix to access CDM tables. In oracle that might just be CDM_TRUVEN_CCAE, in mssql it would be CDM_TRUVEN_CCAE.dbo. For purposes of determining the cdmdatabase, you could split either of these strings and get the ‘database’ for use in the @cdm_database paramater in templateSQL.
From a WebAPI perspective, i think we would need to manage separate webAPI properties that are seemingly similar to the templateSQL params, but serve a different purpose. Flyway has an option for schema but in mssql I don’t think you’d need to specify this at all (since it would default to the schema for the user which in most cases is ‘dbo’). So the question remains on the webAPI side, what is the set of properties that we need to maintain to confgure webAPI against a particular database (jdbcurl, user,pass, schema? database?) and how we might need to store these values separately fromt he values needed by the templateSQL.