I think we should create a condition_status_concept_id for “Present on Admission”. The Present On Admission (POA) flag in claims is a standardized field, as described by CMS here. There is some variation as to whether claims databases (available to researchers) contain this standardized field. But, if it does, it is data that comes directly from a claim form.
Judging from the previous replies, it would seem that the “final diagnoses” would be found on a claim form, since this form was completed after the patient was discharged from the hospital and the hospital is billing those diagnoses for payment. Claim forms do have a separate field for “Admitting Diagnosis” and that diagnosis could be completely different than the billed diagnoses on the claim form. As far as I know, claim forms do not store “Preliminary” diagnosis fields. Though possibly used in many EHR systems, “Preliminary” diagnosis fields to not refer to a standard like POA fields do.
Quick background on the POA flags. Every diagnosis code billed on a claim form has a POA flag. So the primary diagnosis on the claim form could also have a positive POA flag. Payers are interested in these flags because they have stopped paying for hospital-acquired diagnoses billed (see regulation here). But, if the hospital notes that the hospital-acquired diagnosis was “present on arrival”, and not actually from staying in a hospital bed, the payer will pay on that diagnosis. An example would be a fracture from a fall. The payer will not pay for that fracture unless the POA flag is set on that diagnosis. And, you can imagine a fracture from a fall could also be the final discharge diagnosis and an admitting diagnosis.
So, instead of trying to reuse status_concept_ids to fit standardized data into non-standardized concepts, I would suggest just adding a new condition_status_concept_id to keep things very clear.