Possible mistake in EHDEN course quiz

Hello Team, I’m passing EHDEN courses and particularly the quiz below. The main question is to find to which standard concept_id the code ‘427.31’ is mapped to.

SELECT * FROM concept WHERE concept_code = '427.31'; >>>  concept_id = 44821957 

SELECT * FROM concept_relationship WHERE concept_id_1 = 44821957; >>>>> Maps to 313217 http://prntscr.com/101pq0m

There’re no such option to choose, There is 443605 which is standard concept_id the code ‘290.4’ is mapped to, from the example.

Please, check.

@rookie_crewkie maybe you can direct to appropriate person for this question.

There are different types of relationships defined in the vocabulary. For example the ‘Maps to’ relationship defines to witch Standard Concept_id the codes maps to. You can explore all the relationships by running the following query:

SELECT * FROM relationship;

Let’s use this new insight to find to which standard concept_id the code ‘427.31’ is mapped to. You can do this for example by first finding the concept_id using:

SELECT * FROM concept WHERE concept_code = '290.4';

You can then use the concept_relationship table find its relationships.

SELECT * FROM concept_relationship WHERE concept_id_1 = ;

Check you understand what the Subsumes and Is a relationships are of this concept_id.

To which standard concept_id the code ‘427.31’ is mapped to?

Select one:









Hi @Vasyl_Atamanyuk

Thanks for the note, ordinarily if you use a Forum on the Academy or email enquiries@academy.ehden.eu you will get a response. If it’s posted here it will be missed, and indeed I only saw this due to a Google Alert.

We’ll get back to you, just conferring with colleagues.

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