OHDSI Symposium panels - who do you want to hear from?

The OHDSI Symposium Organizing Committee has been hard at work to make 2016
the best OHDSI Symposium ever!

Special thanks to @krfeeney and @jon_duke for volunteering to lead the two
panel discussions that will be held in the afternoon sessions at the
Symposium on Friday, September 23.

The first panel will be focused on sharing the community’s past experiences
and current perspectives with using the OMOP common data model and the
OHDSI tools. We are looking for collaborators who are interested in
highlighting their experiences - the realized value, outstanding
opportunities, challenges overcome and those that may still remain - and to
provide newcomers to the community with thoughts about how and why they
should join the journey.

If you would like to nominate someone or yourself to participate on this
first panel, please contact @krfeeney.

The second panel will provide OHDSI community participants - both new and
old - the chance to react to everything they’ve heard and learned
throughout the course of the first day of the Symposium, to share their
thoughts about what was most interesting, and to provide their perspectives
of where the OHDSI community should go from here. We are looking for panel
participants who can provide perspectives from across the diversity of
stakeholder groups represented in the OHDSI community (patients, providers,
industry, academia, government), can synthesize the day’s activities into
key takeaways, and want to shape the priorities and future direction of

If you would like to nominate someone or yourself to participate on this
second panel, please contact @jon_duke.

A reminder, seats are filling up fast for the event. If you haven’t
registered yet, you should do so ASAP (
http://www.ohdsi.org/events/ohdsi-symposium-2016/), I expect our main
symposium and all tutorials will be completely filled by the end of this

Thank you Patrick. Indeed we look forward to an exciting round of panels at the Symposium. Please contact me with any questions or suggestions regarding individuals who will be coming (or you would like to come) to the Symposium and who would provide valuable perspective in the reaction panel.

As Patrick mentioned, spaces are filling up. So if you have someone in mind who has not yet signed up for the meeting, let us know soon!

