Hi all,
I have an error running Keppra package on IMS database (CDM5).
Running analyses
*** Creating cohortMethodData objects ***
*** Creating study populations ***
*** Fitting shared propensity score models ***
Removing subject that are in both cohorts (if any)
No outcome specified so skipping removing people with prior outcomes
Removing subjects with less than 1 day(s) at risk (if any)
No outcome specified so not creating outcome and time variables
Error in createPs(stopOnHighCorrelation = TRUE, prior = list(priorType = “laplace”, : unused argument (stopOnHighCorrelation = TRUE)
The traceback is following
createPs(stopOnHighCorrelation = TRUE, prior = structure(list(
priorType = “laplace”, variance = 1L, exclude = 0L, graph = NULL,
neighborhood = NULL, useCrossValidation = TRUE, forceIntercept = FALSE), .Names = c(“priorType”,
"variance", “exclude”, “graph”, “neighborhood”, “useCrossValidation”, …
10 do.call(“createPs”, args)
9 FUN(X[[i]], …)
8 lapply(x, fun, …) at Cluster.R#120
7 OhdsiRTools::clusterApply(cluster, modelsToFit, fitSharedPsModel)
6 CohortMethod::runCmAnalyses(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema, exposureDatabaseSchema = workDatabaseSchema,
exposureTable = studyCohortTable, outcomeDatabaseSchema = workDatabaseSchema,
outcomeTable = studyCohortTable, outputFolder = cmOutputFolder, … at Main.R#108
The error actually occurs at CohortMethod:: runCmAnalyses (line 417), because invalid parameters have been transferred to the function createPs.
fitPsModel <- function(params) {
cohortMethodData <- loadCohortMethodData(params$cohortMethodDataFolder, readOnly = TRUE)
studyPop <- readRDS(params$studyPopFile)
args <- params$args
args$cohortMethodData <- cohortMethodData
args$population <- studyPop
ps <- do.call("createPs", args)
saveRDS(ps, params$psFile)
Does anyone have an idea what is the reason for such behavior and how to fix it?