OHDSI Study #2: Study on Early Treatment Pathways in Chronic Disease

I downgraded the required R version (to 3.0) in the OhdsiStudy2 package, primarily to see if it then works for Rich. I don’t know if SqlRender, DataConnector or mailR work with R < 3.1. CohortMethod and Cyclops certainly do not, and Martijn and I have no plans for adding R 3.0 support since these packages heavily depend on C++11.

Going forward, I highly recommend upgrading to R 3.1; it is the default distribution on Windows, Mac OS X and most Linux flavors. For Ubuntu, RStudio provides a deb package. (See, e.g., http://www.sysads.co.uk/2014/06/install-r-base-3-1-0-ubuntu-14-04/).

Alternatively, run R in a docker container. In my hands, all of the OHDSI packages appear happy in the container rocker/hadleyverse . Anyone want to build an OHDSI docker container? I’d use it.

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