OHDSI meeting today, Tuesday, 24Nov2015


Today, we’ll resume our weekly OHDSI collaborator calls, following up from
the excitement that many of us experienced at AMIA last week. Important
administrative update: the TC/Webex details for our weekly call have
changed. Details below and on our wiki.

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Introductions for any new OHDSI’ers

  2. Updates

  3. Implications for non-stationarity on predictive modeling in EHRs - Ken
    Jung, Nigam Shah

  4. Collaboration Opportunities:

The Inaugural Workshop of the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub - December
15th 2015


Northeast Regional Big Data Hub - Data Science, Learning, and Applications
to Biomedical & Health Sciences - January 7-8th 2016

Abstract Submission Deadline: November 23rd…extended 1 week!

Here is the link to the meeting details:

Also, so you have it handy, here’s the webex and TC details:



This meeting does not have an agenda.

Access Information

Where: WebEx Online

Meeting number: 192 880 998

Meeting password: This meeting does not require a password.

Audio Connection

+1-415-655-0001 US TOLL

Access code: 192 880 998