OHDSI Collaborator weekly TC, March 17


Our next OHDSI community call is Tuesday, Mar 17. We’ll celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a spirited discussion of CMS data, both the current activities for the CMS SynPUF data as well as future extensions to support real CMS claims as well as SEER-Medicare linked data.

@Mark_Danese will discuss progress of the CMS-ETL workgroup. @donohara will share the tool he developed to view patient data from the CMS SynPUF. @dsontag will present visualization he developed that uncovered some anamolies in the SynPUF data. Others who have made progress in this space are encouraged to share their experiences as well.

This weekend at ENAR in Miami, @schuemie and @msuchard provided a very nice interactive tutorial on how to do observational data science programming within the OHDSI framework. There was a packed house of ~40 statisticians eager to learn about R packages they have developed within OHDSI and how to develop computationally-efficient large-scale analytics in R/C++. @David_Madigan and I only got to listen to the last hour of their 4-hr workshop, since we were presenting on OHDSI in a concurrent session for NISS. But there was a lot of enthusiasm from the group in getting access to patient-level observational data to continue to develop and test new statistical algorithms. The excitement reaffirmed what several of you have been saying for awhile: there will be high value in getting the CMS data ETL’ed to the OMOP common data model, so that we can upload it in the OHDSI shared infrastructure that @lee_evans has built, and provide open access to the broader community to enable further analytical research and development.

For those who are attending the OHDSI F2F at Stanford on Mar23-24, you should have received a separate direct email from me (not via the forums) about logistics. If you didn’t get an email from me, but do plan to attend, please contact me directly so we can coordinate.

If anyone has any other topics to discuss on Tuesday’s call, let me know and we can certainly discuss.



Hi all,

Here’s the link to our visualization software that we’re using to look at
the CMS SynPUF data:

It’s still very preliminary, but it is free, open source, and should be
very easy to setup. Let’s see who has it installed before the weekly call
