OHDSI Collaborator meeting, 17Feb2015


A belated Happy President’s Day to those in the US. A fun fact that I only learned recently: After leading the WWI troops in Normandy and before becoming the US’s 34th president, Dwight Eisenhower was President of Columbia University. He was criticized by the faculty during his tenure because he was a little distracted also serving as Supreme Commander of NATO. So, just think, if we were shifted only 70 years, David Madigan would have been talking OHDSI with his boss…

On today’s call, @rkboyce will present his new study proposal, which has been posted on the OHDSI wiki: http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=research:project_proposal_template

Also, please complete the SurveyMonkey for our OHDSI F2F session at Stanford: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/D7759XB . At the end of this week, we’re moving forward with planning logistics, so if you don’t reply by then, we may not be able to accommodate you.

If you have any other topics for discussion, please reply to this post.

