OHDSI Collabarator meeting 3Feb2015


A lot of exciting activities over the last week. On tomorrow’s call, we’ll cover a few of the developments:


  1. A new OHDSI Study Protocol has been posted: http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=research:treatment_pathways_in_chronic_disease_12_mos . @jon_duke will introduce the study and encourage everyone to participate.
  2. OHDSI R packages ‘CohortMethod’ and ‘Cyclops’ have been released. Ever want to do a propensity score matched, multivariate Cox proportional hazards outcome model using large-scale regularized regression for that important safety surveillance or comparative effectiveness question that’s screaming for reliable real-world evidence, but didn’t know how to get started? @schuemie and @msuchard have the solution for you! We’ll walk through the vignette to get you up and running.
  3. Lots of rumblings of interesting ideas for collaborative submissions to AMIA. As @Vojtech_Huser recommended, let’s discuss what folks have cooking and what else we need to do.
  4. Any follow-up from last week’s discussion on next steps for OMOP CDM ETL for CMS data, starting with the SynPUF data? I know @aperotte has already made great progress in loading a portion of the sample data, running WhiteRabbit, and starting on a ETL spec using RabbitInAHat…

