OHDSI Broadsea New Install

Hello, OHDSI Community:

I am a new member of this community. The Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics and the Rhode Island Quality Institute are working together to transform data from over 500 entities to the OMOP CDM. We will be installing ATLAS and related tools in our secure (restricted internet access) environment.

We would prefer to use the Broadsea docker container. However, we see that it is still labeled as “in development.” Can we successfully install the OHDSI technology stack with Broadsea? Are there limitations of which we should be aware?

Apologies for such a newbie question. We are aiming to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

Thank you!


Hi Karen,

Thank you for your question. I am going to tag some folks here that may help you with that question. @Konstantin_Yaroshove, @anthonysena, @gregk , @lee_evans

Hi @kcrowley.

The Broadsea-webtools Docker container is being updated when there are new Atlas/WebAPI releases.

The Broadsea-methodslibrary is out of date, so I would not recommend you use that. You can use the standard ‘rocker’ rstudio docker image and install the OHDSI HADES R packages there instead.


For hades you could use this from Odysseus that already have RStudio


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Thank you! We’ll start there.