Hi Christian,
Thank you for your comments. To clarify, I do not think we are mixing the two issues. I believe we are addressing when the “camera is on” in every use case presented. The problem is, the camera can be different for every analysis because the analysis requires a different camera.
I know that I mentioned a number of claims and EHR use cases in the proposal below, but I am most familiar with U.S. claims databases, so I’m going to focus on that in my response. For U.S. claims data, where patients can have two types of health coverage (medical and prescription), the analysis may only require a patient be covered under medical insurance because the drugs and/or clinical events studied are all covered under medical insurance. However, if the observation period is limited to when a patient has both medical and prescription drug coverage, you are going to miss all drugs/clinical events that may have happened when the user did not have prescription coverage. (for people who are not familiar with claims data, certain drugs are covered under a patient’s medical insurance, such as chemotherapy and other physician-administered drugs. So only requiring medical coverage may be sufficient for analysis).
I do sympathize that this change will not be backwards compatible to previously-completed cohorts and, per your forum comments Observation Period Flavors (First THEMIS-Focus Group 2, now discussed everywhere) - #3 by Christian_Reich, OHDSI tool performance may decline.
But, let us say we take the path that you mention in your forum post - one observation type per person and no additional flags in the Payer Plan Period table. Now, let us apply this to a U.S. claim database. If users want to do analyses that require all three observation period types (medical coverage only, prescription coverage only, medical and prescription coverage only), the users will be forced to have three versions of the same U.S. claims database - one for each coverage type. So researchers will now need to house three versions of a multiple terabyte Marketscan dataset to run all of their analyses. This is not an impossible solution (and quite a financial boom to data providers). Focus Group 2 did discuss this as an alternative. But, I believe everyone in our group decided that was not feasible nor practical to ask a researcher to do this. However, I am open to getting the OHDSI community’s feedback on housing multiple versions of a dataset.
As a group, we also discussed EHR use cases having different observation period types and it also seemed to solve the use cases as well. So this change will be applicable to all datasets that OHDSI strives to cover.
So there are two proposals I see:
- Allow different observation period types (THEMIS Focus Group 2 sponsored)
- Restrict datasets to one observation period type and create a different dataset with a different observation period type, if needed.
Please let me know if I misunderstood anything.