New details to join OHDSI community calls

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, we’ve recently setup a new Webex account for the OHDSI community calls. The new details to join are:

Time: Every Tuesday from 12-1pm ET
Join the Webex:
Join the call using VoIP OR dial-in using the following teleconference details:

+1-415-655-0001 (US Toll)
Attendee Code: 199 982 907

With our new Webex account, VoIP is now available to easily connect your audio directly from your computer or mobile device. Using the VoIP is very simple. Once you’ve joined the meeting with the link above, you will be prompted automatically to join the call using VoIP or by calling in. Simply select VoIP and you’re good to go.

A calendar invite is available to download here:

If you would also like me to send you the invite via email, please contact me at