NDCs mapping to RxNorm Extension


I was under the impression that the OMOP CDM was going to keep all deprecated, retired, obsolete, doesn’t exist any more but did at one time codes.

This is what we are trying to accomplish at UCD. We are creating a “data explorer”, a Tableau UI for our end users (researchers & investigators) based off the ATC classification concepts and the OMOP Vocabulary tables. One of our talented BI-Developers noticed that the Concept Ancestor table uses the RxNorm Extension vocabulary & concept_ids for the ATC hierarchical queries, so she included it in the data explorer. As you can imagine, going from the small amount of standard RxNorm concept_ids (147,676) to including RxNorm & RxNorm Extension standard concept_ids (1,770,014) has exploded the size of the table and slowed the query to a frustrating, spinning disk. This is run off GBQ, which is super fast, so it’s not a backend architecture problem (or so I’m told by people that know way more about architecture than I). We are trying to lower the giant hurdle of sifting through thousands of NDC codes when a cohort inclusion is “opioids”. Granted, the researcher still has to sift through all the codes returned when retrieving the descendants of concept_id = 21604254, but it is easier than going the other direction. Removing the RxNorm Extension vocabulary from all our queries, including ones against Drug_Exposure table will help immensely.