Medical Device related observational study

Hi, all,

I wonder if there is anybody or group working on Medical Device related observational study.

Asiyah Yu Lin from CDRH FDA

Hi Asiyah,

We (at Stanford) are looking at knee and hip implants and their
associations with adverse outcomes by material type.


Hi @linikujp, At J&J, we have a device epidemiology team that is conducting
studies across our internal observational data, all of which have been
converted to the OMOP Common Data Model v5.

@Ajit_Londhe has been working with @jon_duke on a nice study looking at
the comparative effectiveness of drugs vs. stenting in peripheral artery
disease. I hope they will decide to present those results at the OHDSI
Symposium nudge, nudge.

Also, @mmatheny has been leading various efforts in MDEpiNet and also has
been active in the use of the OMOP CDM at the VA, so he may be able to
share some of the amazing work he’s doing.

Do you have specific research questions in mind that involve device
exposure? If so, please share them with the community, perhaps a network
study can be born if there’s data and interest out there.

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@Patrick_Ryan, @nigam,
Thank you for your response!
I am happy to connect with everyone mentioned in Ryan’s message here! :smile:
