Managing Database Migrations

Hi, Alex,
Yes, I’m only talking about tables that we create to support service operations in the results schema. I misspoke when i said cdm schema, sorry. I’m not in love with the syntax that appears in liquibase because the agnostic nature of it makes it a bit more cumbersome to construct, and I like the idea of custom java-implemented handlers that can run to do data migration (not sure if liquibase has that sorta thing). It would be a HUGE help if you did a little real-world test on that, and i think the spring batch tables would be a perfect thing to try it on. I know Hermes needs persistant storage for cocept sets, and hereclese will most likely need it as well. if we ever want to support user profiles in OHDSI apps, having tables that support that will be needed. I just forsee a long road of incremental additions to the results schema and figuring out how to manage it now … would be good.
