Hi. Thanks to folks who were on the call today. Would people be interested in being able to play with the tool? I could make it available at www.ohdsi.org/web/… along with the other public demos. It needs 1) a place to run a small node.js server; 2) access to OHDSI data on Postgres, and also to prep some result tables, and 3) a place to serve the Javascript/HTML files from.
@lee_evans, would that be easy to do? Assuming anyone wants to be able to use it, that is.
The first step would be to upload the source code to an OHDSI GitHub repository.
@Patrick_Ryan can help you with creating a new OHDSI GitHub repo for the app.
Once the source code is available in GitHub I can help to package and deploy it on the OHDSI cloud. I can configure it to use the Synpuf 1% dataset in the OHDSI cloud.
@Patrick_Ryan – thinking a bit more… a more accurate name would probably be something like ExposureRollupExplorer or DrugUtilExplorer.
And @admin / @lee_evans, I’ll have to do a little cleanup and configuration to match the public OHDSI environment. Let’s talk offline about how to handle it – if I have shell access to a web enabled directory and write access to a postgres results schema I should be able to do the setup myself if that would be ok.