Make drug util visualization tools public?

Hi. Thanks to folks who were on the call today. Would people be interested in being able to play with the tool? I could make it available at… along with the other public demos. It needs 1) a place to run a small node.js server; 2) access to OHDSI data on Postgres, and also to prep some result tables, and 3) a place to serve the Javascript/HTML files from.

@lee_evans, would that be easy to do? Assuming anyone wants to be able to use it, that is.


I think it would be beneficial.

Hi @Sigfried_Gold, I enjoyed your presentation today.

The first step would be to upload the source code to an OHDSI GitHub repository.

@Patrick_Ryan can help you with creating a new OHDSI GitHub repo for the app.

Once the source code is available in GitHub I can help to package and deploy it on the OHDSI cloud. I can configure it to use the Synpuf 1% dataset in the OHDSI cloud.

@Sigfried_Gold, what would you like to call this repo:

@Patrick_Ryan, that sounds good. Right now I’m actually using two repos: for the client and for the server. They could be combined into one, but might be better to keep them separate.

@Patrick_Ryan – thinking a bit more… a more accurate name would probably be something like ExposureRollupExplorer or DrugUtilExplorer.

And @admin / @lee_evans, I’ll have to do a little cleanup and configuration to match the public OHDSI environment. Let’s talk offline about how to handle it – if I have shell access to a web enabled directory and write access to a postgres results schema I should be able to do the setup myself if that would be ok.

Here you go:

Great. Thanks! I pushed code.

@admin: Let me know how you want to proceed in terms of getting it running.

@Sigfried_Gold Thanks for uploading the code to GitHub. I’ll take a look over the next few days.

Your imminent work with hospital data is intriguing to me. I have some experience with charge master data so I would be glad to help if I can.

Thanks, Hugh! I’ll send you a message and we can talk offline.

@Sigfried_Gold & @Patrick_Ryan I’ve deployed the Drug Exposure Explorer on the OHDSI cloud with the SynPUF 1% synthetic patient data set.

It’s available here: Drug Exposure Explorer

If anyone has questions about how to use the application then please contact @Sigfried_Gold

Happy New Year from LTS Computing LLC!