Is there a function similar to dbWriteTable from the RMySQL package that allows one to write a dataframe to an OMOP formatted table?

I need an R function that takes a dataframe and destination table as input and then inserts the dataframe elements into the destination table.
I was wondering if this already exists or not?

There may be a function for it, but it very much depends on your database server. I think it may be MS SQL server. That may not be that popular in R community.

this page has an overview of the packages

Martijn also wrote a nice OHDSI package (for connecting to a db and translating SQL).

For writing into an CDM table - if the datatypes are the same, it should work just fine. Are you trying to write to a cohort table?

If you’re willing to use functions outside the OHDSI packages, dplyr has a nice interface for this and similar tasks. But again no MS-SQL support.