Contents of errorReport.txt:
sql server
Error: Invalid object name ‘shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma_achilles.achilles_results’.
select concept_hierarchy.concept_id,
isNull(concept_hierarchy.soc_concept_name,‘NA’) + ‘||’ + isNull(concept_hierarchy.hlgt_concept_name,‘NA’) + ‘||’ + isNull(concept_hierarchy.hlt_concept_name,‘NA’) + ‘||’ + isNull(concept_hierarchy.pt_concept_name,‘NA’) + ‘||’ + isNull(concept_hierarchy.snomed_concept_name,‘NA’) concept_path, ar1.count_value as num_persons,
round(1.0ar1.count_value / denom.count_value,5) as percent_persons,
round(1.0ar2.count_value / ar1.count_value,5) as records_per_person
from (select cast(stratum_1 as int) stratum_1, count_value from shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma_achilles.achilles_results where analysis_id = 400 GROUP BY analysis_id, stratum_1, count_value) ar1
inner join
(select cast(stratum_1 as int) stratum_1, count_value from shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma_achilles.achilles_results where analysis_id = 401 GROUP BY analysis_id, stratum_1, count_value) ar2
on ar1.stratum_1 = ar2.stratum_1
inner join
select snomed.concept_id,
snomed.concept_name as snomed_concept_name,
soc.concept_name as soc_concept_name
select concept_id, concept_name
from shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept
where domain_id = ‘Condition’
) snomed
left join
(select c1.concept_id as snomed_concept_id, max(c2.concept_id) as pt_concept_id
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept_ancestor ca1
on c1.concept_id = ca1.descendant_concept_id
and c1.domain_id = ‘Condition’
and ca1.min_levels_of_separation = 1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c2
on ca1.ancestor_concept_id = c2.concept_id
and c2.vocabulary_id = ‘MedDRA’
group by c1.concept_id
) snomed_to_pt
on snomed.concept_id = snomed_to_pt.snomed_concept_id
left join
(select c1.concept_id as pt_concept_id, c1.concept_name as pt_concept_name, max(c2.concept_id) as hlt_concept_id
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept_ancestor ca1
on c1.concept_id = ca1.descendant_concept_id
and c1.vocabulary_id = 'MedDRA'
and ca1.min_levels_of_separation = 1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c2
on ca1.ancestor_concept_id = c2.concept_id
and c2.vocabulary_id = 'MedDRA'
group by c1.concept_id, c1.concept_name
) pt_to_hlt
on snomed_to_pt.pt_concept_id = pt_to_hlt.pt_concept_id
left join
(select c1.concept_id as hlt_concept_id, c1.concept_name as hlt_concept_name, max(c2.concept_id) as hlgt_concept_id
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept_ancestor ca1
on c1.concept_id = ca1.descendant_concept_id
and c1.vocabulary_id = 'MedDRA'
and ca1.min_levels_of_separation = 1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c2
on ca1.ancestor_concept_id = c2.concept_id
and c2.vocabulary_id = 'MedDRA'
group by c1.concept_id, c1.concept_name
) hlt_to_hlgt
on pt_to_hlt.hlt_concept_id = hlt_to_hlgt.hlt_concept_id
left join
(select c1.concept_id as hlgt_concept_id, c1.concept_name as hlgt_concept_name, max(c2.concept_id) as soc_concept_id
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept_ancestor ca1
on c1.concept_id = ca1.descendant_concept_id
and c1.vocabulary_id = 'MedDRA'
and ca1.min_levels_of_separation = 1
inner join
shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept c2
on ca1.ancestor_concept_id = c2.concept_id
and c2.vocabulary_id = 'MedDRA'
group by c1.concept_id, c1.concept_name
) hlgt_to_soc on hlt_to_hlgt.hlgt_concept_id = hlgt_to_soc.hlgt_concept_id
left join shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma.concept soc
on hlgt_to_soc.soc_concept_id = soc.concept_id
) concept_hierarchy on ar1.stratum_1 = concept_hierarchy.concept_id
, (select count_value from shs_oklahoma.shs_oklahoma_achilles.achilles_results where analysis_id = 1) denom
order by ar1.count_value desc
R version:
R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
Attached base packages:
- stats
- graphics
- grDevices
- utils
- datasets
- base
Other attached packages:
- httr (1.4.1)
- Achilles (1.6.7)
- DatabaseConnector (2.4.2)