The mapping from ICD9 to SNOMED is available in the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP
table. Here’s a query against the VocabV5 to show you how to identify the
ICD9 codes and find the standard concepts that they refer to. Note, ICD9
diagnosis codes are not all conditions; ~3800 of the ~19000 ICD9 codes map
to concepts which are Procedures, Measurements, Devices, other other
Observations. You need to use the target standard concept’s domain id to
determine where the data should be placed within the model.
select source.concept_id as source_concept_id, source.concept_code as
source_concept_code, source.concept_name as source_concept_name,
target.concept_id as target_concept_id, target.concept_name as
target_concept_name, target.domain_id as target_domain_id
select concept_id, concept_name, concept_code
from concept
where vocabulary_id = ‘ICD9CM’
) source
inner join
on source.concept_id = concept_relationship.concept_id_1
and concept_relationship.relationship_id = ‘Maps to’
inner join
concept target
on concept_relationship.concept_id_2 = target.concept_id
and target.standard_concept = ‘S’