How to record an inpatient drug infusion?

Thanks Charles.
If we end up using this approach (and I think we will need to because these doses and the ensuing physiological response) are so important to our subject area, then this spawns two further questions. Please let me know if I should post separately.

  1. Will we hit performance issues if we start recording data at this high resolution? Our current database records hourly and we estimate around 6000 drug doses and physiological measurements per patient.
  2. What is the best practice, or are their guidelines, to using a variant of the OMOP CDM such as that in the PEDSnet CDM? We would like to keep as ‘true’ to the CDM as possible. Do people tend to run 2 versions of the database (a faithful one, and a dev one)? Should we aim to add new tables for these specific entries rather than modify existing tables?