How can i edit code(sql)

The message 일괄처리 작업 중 오류가 발생했습니다: ORA-00942: 테이블 또는 뷰가 존재하지 않습니다_ translates to “table or view does not exist”. But i don’t think it’s the temp tables (although it could be) but possibly instead that your results schema is not set up.

Some discussion on resolving this is here: Cohort Generation in Atlas with Generation status Failed

Could you try to go into atlas and export your cohort SQL and try to execute it by hand? If you do it in chunks, we can better understand which tables might not exist.

If you are able to completely execute the SQL from Atlas UI, then the problem is that there are additional tables that need to be created in your results schema (which is listed in the above forum thread).

Could you try to execute your SQL manually and double check the tables in the above thread exist in your results schema?

Edit: I notice that the log seems to have the complete sql in it that you can copy and run the individual statements in a Oracle DB console. So instead of copying out of Atlas, you can jsut take the entire sql and run it one-line-at-a-time so you can narrow down exactly which statement claims the table/view does not exist.