Is there an equivalent to OHDSIonAWS that runs on the Google Cloud environment?
Our data is in Google Cloud, so we’d like to build Docker or Kuberentes containers (or replicate ones built by others) for Atlas and the R Studio environments. We don’t need enterprise level scaling at this point so a sufficiently sized OHDSI-in-a-Box equivalent that connects to Google Cloud may be sufficient.
Tom - yes, there are images like that. The OMOP CDM SynPUF on BigQuery is already available in Google MarketPlace and ATLAS image is in the last stages of testing and will be released very soon - maybe you can test drive it for us.
I 'm looking for some documentation / guidelines to deploy OHDSI in google cloud.
Is there any discussion in the forum or any github repository targeted to this scope?
cc @Javier I ve seen that you had some related questions lately, not sure if you could provide any info for this or you would like us to collaborate to build something for the community.
Hello Greg - in your reply to you mentioned OMOP CDM SynPUF on BigQuery and an ATLAS image will be available soon. I am able to get to the OMOP CDM on BigQuery. Can you point me to the ATLAS image that I can use to launch my VM? Thank you!