Extension of Treatment Pathways study in Europe

Hi Jonathan,

In EMIF we have finished a treatment pathway paper (submitted) on the treatment patters before and after dementia diagnosis on 6 European databases but using an alternative non-cdm approach (but including interactive sunburst plots.)

Running this study against the CDM has been much slower than i hoped for unfortunately in EMIF. This is mainly due to ongoing slow mapping efforts that needed to be finalised first to get all data sources onboard. I therefore postponed the effort to build the shiny app from the already available javascript interactive visualisations.

Running other treatment pathway studies using the CDM (and possibly repeating the PNAS paper) are still on my agenda though in the context of OHDSI Europe. This is also part of the upcoming project European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN), including dashboard development. However, I also know of others that are implementing treatment pathway tools (ultimately in ATLAS is suppose), so this may even be done before EHDEN kicks off (October most probably). I think multiple people are implementing the same tool and we need to coordinate this a bit to avoid duplicate efforts.

I suggest to make a new post in the forum to understand better who is working on adding this to the toolset already etc.

I know of the work done by John Duke that is waiting to be implemented in the WebAPI and Atlas I think:


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