Exercise reps as a code

Mapping some exercise data to SNOMED/LOINC and strangely I cannot find a code to represent exercise repetitions (reps). Is it just me?

@VadimPeretokin, we also can’t find the same exact concept. But depending on the aim of mapping may be possible to use Frequency of exercise (Athena) or mapping to many with Measurement frequency (Athena)

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Thanks for responding! I think I’ll roll with Frequency of exercise (228449008) and look into requesting the code with the local release center.

Started the request process - will update here on how it goes through.

Latest progress is that we’ve submitted the request to Snomed International.

The code has been approved and is now available as 1202026006 |Number of exercise repetitions completed (observable entity)|, see the daily build.

I’ll keep a watch on when it becomes available in an official release.


Thanks for taking the initiative, but I don’t quite understand how this concept is going to work. Because it doesn’t say what exercise. You would have to post-coordinate, something we don’t do in the OMOP CDM.

What is your use case?

I’m not using OMOP in my usecase, sorry! Just SNOMED+FHIR - the initial question was double-checking that I haven’t missed anything obvious in my research.