ETL-CDMBuilder Application error CPRD data


We have been trying to map our CPRD data to CDM. We were running ETL-CDMBuilder to covert the CPRD data to CDM format. The first 3 steps complete without any errors. At the ‘Conversion to CDM’ step it fails with the following Message: Invalid object name ‘dbo.hes_patient’. We don’t have HES table and as per recommendation (CPRD mapping using the ETL-CDMBuilder), we do the following

  • drop all files like HES_… in {Builder folder}/CPRDV5/Definitions/
  • in {Builder folder}/CPRDV5/Definitions/L_PROVIDER.xml file
  • replace <Query> … </Query> to
  • <Query>
    staffid as PROVIDER_ID,
    cast(Right(cast(staffid as varchar), 3) as int) as CARE_SITE_ID,
    cast(staffid as varchar) as PROVIDER_SOURCE_VALUE,
    cast(ISNULL(role, 0) as varchar) as SPECIALTY_SOURCE_VALUE,
    cast(ISNULL(role, 0) as varchar) as SPECIALTY_SOURCE_KEY,
    ISNULL(gender, 0) as gender
    from {sc}.Staff

However, the same error message keeps coming.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi Belay,

Latest cdm builder is here:
hes_… tables were removed in latest version.


Thank you very much. Will try and let you know my progress