Error when converting time from a string

I saw so many new releases of R tools that I’ve been tempted to upgrade my R to v4 and all the packages and tested them out.
I tried running a cohort study generated by Atlas + hydrated and got the following error when executing runCmAnalyses:

“Error executing Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string”,

specifically here:
AND cohort_start_date >= CAST(‘20100100’ AS DATE)

More info:
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)


Other attached packages:

  • CohortMethod (4.0.0)
  • FeatureExtraction (3.1.0)
  • Andromeda (0.3.2)
  • dplyr (1.0.2)
  • Cyclops (3.0.0)
  • DatabaseConnector (3.0.0)
  • snow (0.4-3)

I imagine there is something silly I haven’t done but can’t figure out what. Any help will be much appreciated! :slight_smile:

That date string is invalid. Did you specify a study start date? Could you share the specifications?

Yes, I actually specified it (although it’s not critical so can be removed). Specification is here:
Didn’t even notice that sql had 2010-01-00, but the date in atlas was def Jan 01

That is weird. ATLAS generates the correct string, and there’s no place downstream where the string could be changed. In fact, I ran your study locally and it works fine for me (except I get a ‘high correlation’ error down the road).

That’s strange indeed. Let me try to chose a different date/ remove the date and rerun it. Thank for looking into this!

Could you check the value for studyStartDate in cmAnalysisList.json in the inst/settings folder of the package you generated?

Will this be related with an issue I reported here?
@aostropolets @schuemie

What I actually see is that Atlas specification is fine. But when I hydrate the package and open the specification of the package, start date gets converted into 2.01001E7. In fact, similar issues are present for excluded concept ids (e.g. 4.627619E7)

Oops. I see that when you call hydrate() when specifying the package name it converts the JSON to R objects and back to insert the name, and that introduces scientific notation. (I had set the package name in the JSON file when I tested it, which is why I didn’t run into this bug).

I made a fix in the develop branch. Could you give it a try? Use

remotes::install_github("ohdsi/Hydra", ref = "develop")

to install

This patch fix has now been released.