EPISODE Table Population Software or Papers

Does anyone know of software or publication related to the population of the OMOP EPISODE and EPISODE EVENT tables?

The only paper that I have found that appears relevant is Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | Mapping Cancer Registry Data to the Episode Domain of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Model (OMOP) | HTML although it is specific for cancer. There is some other more complex work (using R) focusing on trajectories (https://academic.oup.com/jamiaopen/article/5/1/ooac021/6549728) but at this point I am only interested in basic episode population.

I realize that the format of the source data (in our case mostly Cerner PowerInsight) will make it extremely difficult to find software, but I am looking more for work general (non-disease specific) strategies for populating EPISODE. For example, if a patient is morbidly obese and has this mentioned on the problem list multiple times, various BMI measurements, I would like to link all such entities together to form an EPISODE. Is this reasonable and/or the intention of the EPISODE table?

Try here https://github.com/OHDSI/OncologyWG/wiki/Oncology-Tutorial