There is no such a thing, @esholle. Again, I need to enforce the OMOP CDM commandments. One says “the vocabulary decides to which table a concept goes, not the source”. Just because something is a CPT code, or is listed in a field with the word “proc” in its name, doesn’t make it a procedure. There are many many examples where this is glaringly obvious. Look, for example, at the Procedure Drugs, or at these Measurements: Athena. There is no procedure whatsoever, other than taking blood.
Not at all. It’s a Measurement, really. But it’s in Observation because it is a panel (you cannot have 92 results in one Measurement). A procedure would have to occur on the patient to be a procedure, not on some sample in the lab in the basement of the hospital. It’s got “to hurt a little”, if you need a hint.
Sorry to be the bad cop here, but somebody’s got to do that job. Look: If everybody decided where to put codes we are back in incompatibility land, and remote network studies over multiple nodes are out of the window.
Now, the vocab team does these assignments based on some heuristic. And sometimes you can argue about the right assignments, like @cukarthik’s ECG. We know we have to address this, and a debate about a similar subject already started. (Sorry, @cukarthik, for letting your post hang there for two months.) So, if you think a certain concept is in the wrong domain PLEASE BRING IT UP HERE and we will fix it. Till then, it will be whatever creature it gets assigned to.