Hi all. I am implementing OHDSI for an intensive care database in the UK. From the ICU perspective, it makes sense to consider each hospital admission, a new “observation period”, with admissions to the ICU a new “visit occurrence”.
There is a logical sequence to the way in which an ICU visit could end. Please see the attached graphic for a detailed explanation. Broadly, after admission, you can either: be discharged alive, or die (of which a small percentage will be via brainstem death). My feeling is that the datetime of death (from whatever cause) should be mapped to VISIT_OCCURRENCE.visit_end_datetime as well as OBSERVATION_PERIOD. observation_period_end_date and PERSON.death_datetime.
I can think of no good analytical reasons to continue to declare the visit or observation period “open” after the confirmation of a death. It would also be hard to pin point a good source of information to determine these times beyond the time of death. However, I can’t see this convention explicitly written anywhere. I would appreciate any advice from the OHDSI community on the correct procedure here?
Many thanks,