Hi, guys, I’m doing the mapping from EHR records to the Athena. I got two questions:
should all the concept_id in the OMOP CDM will be standard?
Would you please help me check the results list below?
Only those you’re using for the population of the event_concept_id (condition, procedure, etc.) as well as type, status, ethnicity, etc. _concept_id. In other words, everything but _source_concept_id.
It looks like most of the stuff is the condition_status_concept_id and should not be resulted in the entire event.
concept_id = 0 (No matching concept)
32890 OMOP4976960 Admission diagnosis Condition Status Standard Valid Condition Status Condition Status
32896 OMOP4976966 Discharge diagnosis Condition Status Standard Valid Condition Status Condition Status
Not provided as the condition status in OMOP.