Condition being treated by procedure

You’re welcome, @piper!

And as Don said, you (and all :slight_smile: ) are invited to the Healthcare Systems’ meetings held every other Monday at 10am Eastern time. Our next meeting, June 6th at 10am.

One of our objectives this year is to “To provide support for transforming source EHR data to the CDM​”. Key results include:

  1. "Office hours" agenda style calls, approximately once a month. The other meeting is usually a presentation
  2. Monitoring & answering questions on the forums. This is continuous
  3. Create a central repository of different OMOP sites and their underlying EHR system. I will be putting out a survey to gather relevant information from collaborators with EHR data. I think this will be very useful in helping EHR collaborators network and possibly help each other out a little more. We all have similar questions when we first start this journey. I would like for us, the more seasoned EHR folks, to help out the newbies.


I will plan to attend.

Thanks again @MPhilofsky!
