For my row (Nigam Shah), the paper is under review at JAMIA. The final
title was: Learning statistical models of phenotypes using noisy labeled
training data. I couldn’t edit the online doc (says ‘view only’).
Two other efforts underway are:
Finding treatment pathways that associate with good outcomes (it’s a follow
on to the main treatment pathways paper, being written up).
Augmenting community phenotype models for local use (we have prelim results
… literally an hour after I said bye to Patrick on tuesday!).
Nigam Shah (with Vibhu Agarwal) - Learning statistical models of phenotypes
using noisy labeled training data … under review at JAMIA
Nigam Shah (with Assaf Gottleib) - Finding treatment pathways that
associate with good outcomes
Nigam Shah (with Tanya Podchiyska) - Augmenting community phenotype models
for local use
Nigam Shah (with TBD) - building a phenotype model for familiar
hyperlipidemia (in collaboration with the FIND FH foundation).
Maura and All - I unfortunately will be traveling to ISPOR on Tues but I
have updated the spreadsheet for my TRIADS lab
Nigam - I would certainly be interested in trying to bring Pitt data into
the effort copied when you are ready to move it forward.
Ty, -R
Hi Rich,
You have me a bit confused. What do you want to bring the Pitt data into? (
i.e Assaf’s project or FH?). For both of them, we’d be coding against the
OHDSI cdm v5 schema.