Dear @Alexdavv, that sounds amazing!
@ericaVoss, I’m sorry I didn’t notice you tagged me. Regarding how The Clavien-Dindo (CD) scores are derived and how they might be used. The score grades the severity of complications by how they are managed, so if a patient would have a post-operative complication say a urinary tract infection, it could be graded as a CD II if it is managed by antibiotics or CD IVa if it leads to an ICU stay due to single organ dysfunction. So they are derived based upon the management of the conditions. For analytics, it would probably mainly be an outcome we were interested in predicting or assessing the effect of different interventions on the risk of getting an, e.g.>= grade IIIa complication.
However, the CD scores could also provide valuable insight for predicting the risk of readmission for patients admitted to a department or using it as an exposure for late-term outcomes such as the risk of recurrence after a surgery for cancer.
I hope this answered your question, if not please don’t hesitate to reach out.