Breast cancer Rx Treatment concept "number of fractions" mapping

Dear @CHE,
Always welcome! Thank you for your kind words and let me add details (which might be somehow helpful).

Teletherapy is a homonym or multiple-meaning word. According to our case, it refers to external beam radiotherapy that you mentioned in the 1st message. Please, see the links below:

One of the OMOP features is that, in some cases (!), you can put into existing Standard concepts the meaning that your study needs. However, there is another way. Your developers can make these concepts locally Standard as described here.

The concept of ‘4161287 Prescribed fractions - teletherapy’ is of the Observation domain, which allows storing any digit value in the field of value_as_number in the Observation table. However, if you need something less granular (without “teletherapy”), you have to create a custom Standard concept for this case as well.