Hi all,
We have a local implementation of Atlas running with basic security (will be integrating with some more secure auth/n/z down the line) and with a small set of users/roles defined.
We’re curious to know if there is any way to lock down editing access to concepts/cohorts sets created by other users. Ideally, it would be possible to use/view someone else’s work (and copy it if alteration is necessary), but not to alter it, whether intentionally or by mistake.
As far as I can tell, while it’s possible to grant/revoke the ability to create/edit cohorts/concepts for a given user once someone has the permission to do so, they can alter any other users work.
I assume this “feature” has been discussed before (though I couldn’t find any answer to the question after a few minutes of searching) so I’m wondering if I’ve missed some setting that would allow that level of security, or if there was a decision made to allow anyone to edit anyone else’s work, and if so, what the rationale for that decision was (or maybe preventing this just isn’t a feature that’s been implemented yet).
Thanks for any clarification/insight you can provide on this topic.
Scott Fischbein
Application Developer
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine